인재채용 코오롱글로텍인은 창조, 성과, 혁신을 만들어갑니다.

  • Car Seat Fabric
  • Car Mats
  • Artificial turf
  • Carpet
코오롱 글로텍은 신뢰를 바탕으로 도전과 혁신의 문화를 만들어갑니다.

Flow of Human Resources Motto 

  • 이원만 창업주

    “Hearts and Attitude of Companionship and Kindness”

    - WON MAN LEE Founder -

  • 이동찬 명예회장

    “A Corporate is Like A Human. Have Higher Dream and Head Lower”

    - DONG CHAN LEE Honorary president -

  • 이웅열 명예회장

    “Always Faithful and Trying Best”

    - WOONG YEUL LEE Honorary president -

Kolon Glotech’s Human Resources Motto 

  • 새로운 생각과 자기혁신을 추구하는 창조인
  • 뜨거운 열정과 자세를 갖춘 적극적인 성과 지향인
  • 변화의 도전 정신을 갖춘 혁신인

Kolon’s Spirit 

One&Only Way

“One&Only Way” provides you three core values that Kolon employees must cherish.

The three core values are the objective for decision-making which Kolon will ultimately achieve. There are also 9 detailed practices applied on a daily basis to help Kolon employees fulfill “One&only Way”

  • First Choice of Customers 고객으로부터 가장 사랑받는 코오롱
    1. 01Starting from Customer.
    2. 02Providing Value Over Expectation.
    3. 03Contributing to Customer Success
  • Uniqueness 독특하고 차별화된 우리
    1. 04Reading Market and Moving Ahead.
    2. 05Cooperating Beyond Boundary
    3. 06Challenging for New Things
  • Individual Excellence 최고의 경쟁력을 갖춘 나
    1. 07Setting High Goal.
    2. 08Preparing Thoroughly.
    3. 09Challenging Until Accomplishment